
Hey there, fellow travel and photography enthusiasts! Today, I want to share some valuable insights on car photography that will help you capture stunning shots of vehicles on your adventures. Let’s dive into the essential tools, camera settings, lens choices, angles, accessories, and a common mistake beginners make in car photography.

Camera Settings

When capturing car photography, adjusting your camera settings is crucial. For wider shots, opt for a higher aperture like f/5.6 and above to ensure the entire car is in focus. Keep the ISO as low as possible to minimize grain in your photos. For handheld shots, maintain a shutter speed of at least 1/60th, but 1/160th or 1/200th is recommended for sharper images.

Lens Choices

While there’s no right or wrong lens for car photography, popular choices include the 24mm for capturing details and wider lenses like the 16-35mm for a sportier look. The lens selection depends on the desired effect and the surrounding environment. Experiment with different lenses to achieve varying perspectives and styles in your car photography.

Angles and Composition

Choosing the right angle to shoot a car can be challenging due to its size. A general rule is to align your camera with the mirror height of the car for a balanced composition. Consider the surroundings and the desired focus on the car’s details when selecting your shooting angle. Experiment with different heights and perspectives to create unique and visually appealing shots.


Several accessories can enhance your car photography, including a lens hood, tripod with a low mode for night shots, camera strap, strobes, and a detailing kit. These accessories help you capture professional-looking images and maintain the quality of your equipment. Invest in accessories that suit your shooting style and environment to elevate your car photography.

The Common Mistake: Circular Polarizing Filter

A common oversight among beginner car photographers is the absence of a circular polarizing filter. This essential filter helps eliminate reflections on the car’s surface, resulting in a more polished and visually appealing image. By using a circular polarizing filter, you can enhance the overall quality of your car photography and showcase the vehicle in its best light.

Related Questions:

1. Why is a circular polarizing filter essential for car photography?

A circular polarizing filter helps eliminate reflections on the car’s surface, enhancing the overall quality of the image by showcasing the vehicle without distracting glares.

2. How can different lenses impact the look of car photography?

Different lenses offer varying perspectives and effects in car photography. Wider lenses like the 16-35mm create a sportier look, while lenses like the 85mm can emphasize details and unique angles.

3. What role does lighting play in car photography?

Lighting significantly affects the outcome of car photography. Natural light can create different moods, while using a strobe allows for more control over shadows and highlights, resulting in professional-looking images.

4. Why is shooting on an overcast day recommended for beginners in car photography?

Shooting on an overcast day provides soft, even lighting without harsh shadows or blown-out areas, making it easier for beginners to capture well-balanced and aesthetically pleasing car photos.

5. How can accessories like a tripod and strobe enhance car photography?

Accessories such as a tripod and strobe help improve the quality of car photography by providing stability, control over lighting, and the ability to capture sharp images in different shooting conditions.

By Jim